Thursday, October 04, 2007

SPUTNIK was launched 50 years ago

So what? some will say.

Well for starters you wouldn't be reading this if sputnik had not existed, as ARPA, who created ARPAnet was founded october 1957 as a response to the "Red Menace". One match point for Space Age :)

It also allowed people to look up and think. "Hey! we can go spacey!" and then create a new trend in culture. We as whole in the industrial bit of mother earth wouldnt be the same without this litle ball flying over our heads.

And of course, there would be no google earth..,

For me this litle ball was and is a breakthrough, a needle in the balloon of ignorance and isolationism. It forces to make you move, as it shows that in space there are NO boundaries, no frontiers. So lift up a beer and shout SPUTNIK! tonight, and when you look at the stars next time, think how the sky changed 50 years ago.

Thoso who want the cold facts check this ESA link about how they will commerate this day
  • Celebration of Sputnik anniversary at ESA

  • and of course the inheritors of the ones who started all this:
  • Roskosmos

  • Why not NASA? . Well, I'm EUROPEAN, and the SPUTNIK was a SOVIET UNION satellite. no USA involved, except in their scare :)