Monday, December 19, 2005

I hate Mondays

Just starting a wonderful week, where on Sunday I woke up with a very heavy sour throat, turning me into a mute person. Nothing like cold nights to break your health. And still mute on Monday :(

And some friends doing silly things regarding romantic issues
And my economics are broke

At least my girlfriend phoned me. That gives hope and health ahead :)

SO: if you have a pretty asian girlfriend, you can overcome your problems pretty easily :))


Anonymous said...

Y si comprases loteria de navidad? Igual te soluciona algo!

Por cierto... se trabaja muy bien sin escuchar a alguien berrear a cada 2 minutos... Mir orejas te lo agradecen, chato.

Anonymous said...

Un poquito mas de vitriolo? Si gracias, una nube.

Y de mi dicen que soy mala persona. Chocante, yo digo.